Welcome to our website! I am André Robert, President of Recrutement ART Inc.
The mission of Recrutement ART Inc.: To offer our talent and expertise, and to assist the manufacturing, industrial, and food companies in Canada, in recruiting and integrating senior and professional staff.
André founded Recrutement ART Inc., eager to make a difference by offering real value to all companies seeking a reliable partner focused on results to address their business challenges in terms of talent.
The firm endorses values of collaboration, authenticity, honesty, and respect, and provides attentive services and a positive experience for both the candidate and the client.
Recrutement ART Inc. also offers its expertise in integration coaching to make the most out of the time and money you have invested as part of your recruitment process.
Looking to fill a position in your company? Delegate this task to a trusted partner, a recruitment specialist. Whatever your line of business, Recrutement ART Inc. is there to help you make the right choice about your next employee. Our goal? To find a candidate that fits both the position’s objectives and the values of your company.
Recrutement ART Inc. is a recognized firm with extensive experience in recruiting management personnel in the manufacturing, industrial, or food sectors. Not only do we offer “the traditional” talent hunt, with innovative fees, we also meet a specific need by providing Outsourcing Services based on a bank of hours that we have negotiated beforehand, thus becoming your business partner.
We have recognized expertise and a quick understanding of business challenges. We offer effective services while preserving the image of your employment brand.